Tag Archives: facebook

Ethics in Social Media

Today I am contemplating the roll of ethics in social media. I was reading RSS feeds and through an article I was led to a social media services company, SSM. Their services involve increasing Facebook Likes,  Twitter Followers, and YouTube Viewers with a “guarantee” that their clients will not be disappointed. Sound to good to be true? It may be. The strategy SSM uses for increasing exposure for their clients is to purchase likes, followers, and viewers.

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Tools for Social Networking

When I began social networking I navigated this hemisphere blindly. My thought was to check in at myspace or Facebook occasionally to see what friends and coworkers were up to. I thought that StumbleUpon and Twitterwere fads that would be short lived and not vital to the networking stream. My outlook on the subject has evolved and today I am wiser, so I wanted to share with you what I am using for social networking and how.
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